1. You have chosen your topic and category, so now let’s get researching!  Below are places online to begin finding facts about your topic from primary and secondary sources.

Video: What is the difference between Primary and Secondary sources?

Have you found a resource that should be added to the NHD Symbaloo Webmix?  Add it here!

Open this research Symbaloo Webmix in a new tab 

2. Search for facts from secondary sources.  (You should look to have approx. 5-10 secondary sources.)

3. Search for facts from primary sources.   (You should look to have approx. 10-15 primary sources.)


  1. Follow these  8 Steps to Researching for a step-by-step organization plan.
  2. Record your factual information Gather research on your topic through primary and secondary sources. 

The Primary & Secondary Sources Fact Sheet.  Use this to keep track of all the information you find regarding your topic.  When developing your final NHD Project, you will need to refer to the notes you took along the way.

  • Keep a record of how and why you chose your topic and category
  • What resources did you use & how did you decide what resources to use? 
  • Use the History Frame to organize major events and key players to your story.
  • Take good notes on your resources.  You will need them for your Annotated Bibliography.
    • Annotated Bibliography: An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.


Now that you have found lots of facts from primary and secondary sources, let’s start building your project to impress the judges!  Click here to get started or go to the BUILDING YOUR PROJECT page!


Thesis Statement In-Class Workshops